Valda Bailey
Archival Pigment Print
Signed Recto
"Confined spaces have always intrigued me and none more so than the fractured retreat of a long-forgotten greenhouse, stumbled upon in a Sussex meadow one winter's morning. The glass had been clouded with algae and moss and the petrified leaves and contorted stems from an unremembered plant, clung to the windows with a surprising tenacity. Hours passed - I became completely absorbed and totally lost in the creation of these imaginary worlds in miniature. Just as I was about to leave, the sun broke through the February clouds and everything changed. The imaginary worlds suddenly glowed from within. I revisited this treasure chest of imagination and discovery about a year later, only to discover the windows had been scrubbed clean and all the disintegrating vegetation replaced by trays of seedlings; lamentably unphotogenic but considerably more viable." Valda Bailey